Wednesday, May 1, 2013

reading week 1

What I learned from the passage 9 to 27
I learned that we all can tell better stories immediately by remembering. By the he meant that telling a story from sheer memory is a lot easier than remembering hazy parts of the story. Some things that Dotson went into detail were: The rule of the threes, Filling the silence, and the non-question/question. Those are three suggestions that Dotson gave us to make our stories better even under the tightest deadline. and how to properly interview someone. One of his big rules for interviewing is rule of threes. yes it sounds like rule of thirds but it is nothing like that at all. the rule of threes is that you need to get the person your interviewing to respond to the question three times. the first time they will respond how they think you want them to respond, then the second time they will explain the answer more in depth.
The way he writes
I agreed with you that the writer of the book had a certain kind of spark that made it very easy to read. I thought it was cool how he would build off of every comment he made. He wouldn’t just say something and not back it up. Something else that Dotson did to make it very easy to read was use examples. I saw it as an attempt to help you understand what he was talking about.

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